

Serving size in gram


Total fat in gram


Saturated fat in gram


Protein in gram


Fiber in gram


Sugar in gram


Potassium in milligram


Cholesterol in milligram


Carbohydrates in gram


Free nutrition calculator for recipes - Extract Nutritional Information from Any Text

This is the best recipe nutrition calculator you have ever seen. Our Nutrition Data Extraction tool is a powerful natural language processing platform that can extract nutritional information from any text. Whether you are reading a recipe, a food blog, or a restaurant menu, our platform can identify and extract key nutritional data, including Calories, Fact in gram, Fat saturated in gram, Protein in gram, Fiber in gram, Sugar in gram, Potassium in milligram, Cholesterol in milligram, and Carbohydrates in gram

Our Nutrition Data Extraction tool is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Simply copy and paste any text into our platform, and our advanced algorithms will analyze the text and extract the nutritional information you need. Our platform can identify a wide range of food items, from common ingredients to complex dishes.

Our Nutrition Data Extraction tool is an essential tool for anyone who wants to track their diet, monitor their calorie intake, or make informed decisions about their nutrition. With our platform, you can quickly and easily extract nutritional information from any text, and get a better understanding of the nutritional value of the foods you are consuming.

Try our Nutrition Data Extraction tool today and start extracting valuable nutritional information from any text. With our platform, you can make informed decisions about your nutrition and lead a healthier life.

Why You Should Choose AIToolMines free nutrition calculator Tool?

  • 🔍 Extract essential nutritional data from any text
  • 📃 Analyze Calories, Fat (g), Saturated Fat (g), Protein (g), Fiber (g), Sugar (g), Potassium (mg), Cholesterol (mg), and Carbohydrates (g)
  • 🖥️ Easy-to-use platform with advanced algorithms
  • 🍽️ Identify a wide range of food items, from ingredients to complex dishes
  • 📊 Track your diet, manage calorie intake, and make informed nutritional decisions
  • 🌱 Start your journey to a healthier lifestyle today
  • 🔒 Protect Your Privacy
  • 🆓 Free Access